Simple to prepare and reasonable in cost, fresh Middle Eastern dates stuffed with cream cheese and almonds are elegant to serve and absolutely delicious. Every time I prepare this appetizer the platter is cleaned before you know it! Try them. You'll like them.
Cut each date lengthwise a bit more than halfway through, separate the fruit, and remove the seed. Dispose of the seed. Bring the two halves nearly together and stuff the inside of the date with cream cheese. At this point, I cut the date in half. Then I push a smokey almond in the center of each half date.
You're looking at a pound of dates. The cost at our super market was $7.99 a pound. In this case a pound offered 24 dates. Stuffed and cut, the pound yielded 48 hors devoures.
The yellow flower was cut from one my many pansy plants that I plant each fall in my front and backyard beds. The plants produce many flowers that grow regardless of the temperature. We often have mild winters, but even when it is icy, the pansies flourish. I've had plants sealed in a frozen layer of water, which actually magnifies the beauty of the flowers. The flowers are happy, happy now as we are having temperatures in the 60's, but we have many blooms like this one when the temperatures are in the 20s. My pansies produce orange, purple, and yellow flowers.
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